Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Morshansk, Tambov, Russian Federation
Morshansk, Tambov, Russian Federation
Now an important task is development of methods of increase the efficiency of newly layed forest seed plantations (FSP) for the purpose of the increase of production of the improved seeds. For the productivity increase of FSP of the second order it is offered to use reproductive features of pine trees. Fructification of clones of pine trees in the Morshansky forest area of the Tambov region is studied. The clonal archive (FSP) was created in 1987-1997 by landing seedlings, imparted by shanks from plus trees, TLU – C2. 45 clones are presented.
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), clone archive, forest seed plantation, productivity, fructification.
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