Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the ophthalmological diagnostic complex based on slit lamp, equipped with equipment for laser pa-nretinal photocoagulation. Pre-existing principle of construction of the ophthalmologic lasers involves a cascade of work of waves of different length, while in the new version of the device the ability to use two waves simultaneously and implementation of adjustment of the intensity of each wavelength. Pattern-scanning laser ophthalmo-coagulator works at two wavelengths 532 nm and 810 nm. Use of multi-waves laser source expands the range of possible applications in the treatment of retinal diseases. Medical-diagnostic complex is intended for stereoscopic observation, investigation of the anterior segment of the eyeball, lens, retina in medical, medical-preventive and research medical institutions and private clinics. This device allows to effectively conduct operations as pattern retinal laser photo-coagulation and laser trabeculoplasty green laser, and transpupilar thermotherapy of choroidal neovascularization, transcleral retinal photocoagulation and ciliary body by means of infrared (IR) laser. In the multi-colored photocoagulator, the technologies of "automatic positioning of the field of coagulation"(PASCAL) are used. The paper discusses the technical features of the instrument and its development prospects.

photocoagulator, multi-waves laser, pattern-scanning photocoagulator, laser coagulation of the retina; laser trabeculoplasty

Панретинальная лазеркоагуляция сетчатки была апробирована в 1961 г. A. Wessing и G. Meyer-Schwickerath, спустя всего год после изобретения лазера, и остается эталоном в лечении различных болезней сетчатки, включая пролиферативную диабетическую ретинопатию (ПДР), диабетический макулярный отек (ДМО), окклюзию сосудов, центральную серозную хориоретинопатию (ЦСХР), разрывы сетчатки. Для минимизации побочных эффектов (измене-


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