The article is devoted to the development of the constitutional and legal framework of parliamentary control in Uzbekistan. It provides an analysis, carried out during the years of independence, of large-scale, successive reforms aimed at strengthening the role, authority and control functions of the Parliament — the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Particular attention is paid to the disclosure of the nature and the content of the Law “Оn parliamentary control” adopted in 2016. Separately, the issues concerning the subject structure of legal relations in the sphere of parliamentary control, the object of parliamentary control, the permissibility and the limits of parliamentary control, its forms, as well as measures taken by the parliamentary response by the results of the control measures are considered. The author made an attempt to justify the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On parliamentary control” scientifically and theoretically, identified a number of issues that require scientific and practical discussion and profound scientific and theoretical study.
principle of separation of powers, checks and balances, democracy, legislature, executive power, parliamentary control, constitutional reforms, strengthening the role and controlling powers of Parliament, subjects of parliamentary control, objects of parliamentary control, forms of parliamentary control, limits of parliamentary control, response measures at the end of the parliamentary control.
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