Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The conceptual framework system of public administration instills increasingly in terms of actual meaning towards the concept of “conflict of interest” as one of the most important legal means to combat corruption. The article examines the forms and methods of conflict of interests. The authors argue that the primary duty of a person, who sits in for an office that involves the obligation to take measures to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest (the side of conflict of interest), is to notify the representative employer about a risen conflict of interest or the possibility of its occurrence. These persons should carry out their state and official activities in a way to anticipate the risks of conflict of interest and to do it as efficiently as possible to try to “manage conflicts” that may arise. The article substantiates the need to clarify the notice forms of conflict of interests. Along with the assignment of certificates of income, property and property obligations it is suitable to assign a declaration of private interests to the employer representative taking into account the experience of these types of notices in foreign countries. The article analyzes in detail the powers of the representative of employer to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest, including the obligation to inform the person who is a party to the conflict of interests, the existence of dangerous conflict situation and the inadmissibility of certain actions. Preventing or resolving conflicts of interest by the employer representative may consist of: a change in the official position or status of the person who is a party to the conflict of interest; his removal, rejection or disqualification of the notice and other processes for resolving conflicts of interests. The authors propose further improvement of prevention methods and conflict of interests’ settlement based on the foreign countries experience.

conflict of interests, party duties in conflict of interests, conflict of interests’ notice, a declaration of private interests, prevention and settlement of conflicts of interests, representative of the employer, commission to comply with the requirements for official conduct of civil servants.

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