Russian Federation
Introduction. Dynamic indentation method is considered promising in testing mechanical properties of composite materials. Today, composite materials are widely used in the aviation and aerospace industries. That’s why, testing of mechanical properties of composite materials is so vital. Method. To register the current velocity of the indenter penetration into the tested composite material, use is made of a device that enables a contactless measurement of the indenter penetration velocity after the indenter strikes the tested product. The data obtained is digitized and sent to a PC for further processing. Results. The experiment produced "contact force – penetration depth" diagrams for three test zones in the prepared samples. The analysis showed that the non-uniformity of mechanical properties in the rod’s butt end and side surface is stipulated by pores and microcracks, and this is confirmed by computer tomography. It is shown that dilaminations, microcracks and local non-uniformity zones in the structure tell on the elasticity modulus measurements. Conclusions. The dynamic indentation method allows one to test composites at the micro- and macrostructural level, as well as compute their integral mechanical properties.
dynamic indentation, modulus of elasticity, reinforcement, hardness
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