Purpose of the study: to study the efficacy and safety of Ranibizumab in patients with pathologic myopia and choroidal neovascularization (CNV).22patients (22eyes) with myopic CNV were included in the study. Mean age was 54.0±14.4years, axial length – 28.25±1.9mm, follow-up – from 12 to 59months (mean follow-up – 26.9±13.8months). Ranibizumab was administered intravitreally according to the label in patients with active CNV confirmed by fluorescein angiography. The treatment was shown to have favorable early and long-term outcomes. For example, visual acuity increased (from 0.25 to 0.54; p<0.01), central retinal thickness decreased (from 335.8 to 273.25μm; p<0,05), subretinal neovascular membrane area decreased (from 1272 to 969μm; p<0.05). Clinically significant treatment complications were not observed.Conclusions: The study confirmed high efficacy and safety of anti-angiogenic therapy.
pathologic myopia, Ranibizumab, myopic choroidal neovascularization, compliance
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