Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In terms of large volumes and a high rate of production of monolithic structures become especially acute issues of development and use of reliable methods of keeping control of as-built, and the dynamics of the temperature rise of concrete strength and related technological methods aging structures exposed to early stripping. The main purpose of research - the study of the features of teamwork lining and a temperature sensor to the deck, the selection of the optimal type and lining the estimated dependency evaluation accuracy of the method of production. The basis of the experimental studies, as well as at the IR measurement study, based on the principle of identity of the operating conditions of the experiment. Perform this test method, indirect measurements with the use of heat-insulating lining in a production environment. Experimentally established the main factors affecting the accuracy of the calculation of concrete temperature, confirmed cases of possible correct analytical calculation. The optimum design of lining of small size, obtained experimental correlation conversion deck surface temperature in the concrete temperature for the most common decks of plywood and recommended lining

control concrete temperature, processing methods of structural aging, heat-insulating lining, lining design of small size, temperature and strength control, the deck surface.
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