The article provides the review of domestic and foreign literature on the use of the Ex-Press drainage device in patients with refractory and primary open-angle glaucoma. We conducted a detailed analysis of hypotensive effectiveness of Ex-Press implantation combined with anti-VEGF drugs, antimetabolites (5-Fluorouracil, Mitomycin C), Glautex and Ologen drainages. We described the results of drainage device usage for neovascular, aphakic, pseudophakic glaucoma. We determined indications, modified methods of Ex-Press implantation and best options of combinations with drainages; established safe conditions of magnetic resonance imaging in patients with the implanted device. We presented all possible com-plications both in the early and late postoperative period. The influence of Ex-Press on endothelial layer of the cornea in dynamics was shown. On the basis of literature review it can be noted that Ex-press drainage device has proved to have a long hypotensive effect in patients with POAG and pseudophakia. Whereas in refractory glaucoma it requires a combination with drainage and anti-metabolites. Implantation of Ex-press requires dynamic monitoring of patients due to the risk of long-term postoperative complications.
Ex-Press, primary open-angle and refractory glaucoma
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