With the introduction and development of new diagnostic techniques, the relevance of drusen of the optic nerve di-agnostics is increasing. Existing imaging techniques alone or in their various combinations cannot allow to confirm optic nerve drusen in all clinical cases. The diagnosis of optic nerve drusen causes some difficulties because of absence of clear diagnostic standards and classification. Since the advent of new ophthalmological methods of structural and topographic visual analysis evaluation, such as spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, Heidelberg retina tomography, videooculography, B-scan ultrasonography of the orbits and optic nerve, fluorescent angiography of the retina, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and orbits, the diagnostics of optic nerve drusen becomes more informative. In this article we review the main current imaging techniques in the diagnostics of the optic nerve drusen.
optic nerve drusen, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, Heidelberg retina tomography, videooculography, B-scan ultrasonography, fluorescent angiography, computed tomography and magnetic- resonance imaging of the brain and orbits
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