Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article focuses on the motivation of the effective activity of civil servants and comparison of the characteristics of motivational bases in the public administration and the civil segment of the labour and labour relations is carried out. For the comparative analysis of motivational bases the data of sociological research of 2012 are used, conducted by the sociological group of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration on a Russian representative sample of employees of various organizations (economically active population); among the total number of respondents who participated in the study to compare the distribution of opinions on the research issues a social professional group of "public servants" was chosen. This gave the opportunity to get a general idea of the attitude of employees of Russian organizations to the motivation of effective activity and to determine the presence or absence of differences in opinions of civil servants from the total across the whole distribution. The results of the comparison showed insignificant differences of public servants’ opinion from the overall distribution of respondents’ opinion, but some features of motivation of workers in the sphere of public administration on the professional activities were highlighted which are needed to learn and analyze constantly.

motivation, civil service, civil servants, motivation problems, motivational factors

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