Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is prepared on the basis of studying normative-legal base in the field of implementation of public control in the framework of cooperation of the EMERCOM of Russia with the institutions of civil society. The system of public control in the Russian Federation gradually modernizes and improves, having a single legal base. Its development should help to overcome the alienation of state from society, increase citizens´ trust in public administration and reduce bureaucracy in management. Free access to information about the work of ministries and departments naturally generates a demand for constant participation in the decision-making process, first of all, for socially relevant issues. The institutions of civil society should be included in the process of preparation and decision-making, and, therefore, have mechanisms of social control, communication and feedback. The authors conclude that the mechanism of interaction of the EMERCOM and the institutions of civil society are to ensure effective implementation of the core functions of the MES of Russia in the sphere of protection of population and territories, which include, above all, prevention of negative phenomena and minimization of their consequences.

civil society, EMERCOM of Russia, public control, Public Board

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