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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to selection of key performance indicators (KPIs) to stimulate the personnel of the enterprise. When defining the constant part of the wages you need to consider the value of the position for the company. The variable part of the wages depends on the fulfillment of target values of KPIs and should reflect the contribution of each employee and/or the structural unit in the result of the work of the company. Using indicators which digitizing the objectives of the enterprise stimulates the cohesion of the team, the relationship of the financial results of the company and the size of the wages. When selecting KPI it is necessary to consider the functional responsibilities of the employee. It is proposed to form a motivation system of industrial enterprise taking into account features of the three personnel categories: workers, specialists involved in the implementation of main business processes, administrative staff. The article presents examples of KPIs for the designer, engineer of automated control systems and the CEO of the company. Requirements the implementation of which ensures the efficiency of the motivation system are defined.

personnel, incentive, system of motivation, key performance indicator.
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