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Abstract (English):
With a large volume of concrete works using rotary mixers and enforcement actions and for them. An artical based on the analysis of various sources and own developments of the authors estimated reasonable possibility of intensification of preparation of concrete mixtures by changing the speed of the rotor blades while maintaining the quality of the finished product. The Intensity of the action of the mixers is characterized by the time to achieve a specific result at a constant frequency of rotation of the rotor, and the power consumed for mixing, normalized to unit volume. Shows the influence of the speed of movement of the rotor blades on the strength of concrete of different composition during the mixing of ingredients of concrete mix and other components of the operating cycle of the rotary mixer. It also shows the interdependence of all factors and characteristics rotary concrete mixer of forced action, such as: the kinematic, power, power and others. At the same time as the outcome is de-termined by the annual performance of the rotary concrete mixer of forced action. The material is regarded as a provisional basis for optimum choice of the speed of the blades of the rotor in terms of value of the finished product.

rotary mixer, intensification, productivity, speed of rotor blades, stirring time.
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