Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to comparative legal analysis of legislative regulation of criminal liability for banditry in various legal families. On the basis of modern foreign criminal legislation the author analyzes the features of the institutions of inchoate offences and complicity, as well as the norms establishing liability for the creation and participation in the armed criminal associations. The analysis of the sanctions of articles which provide liability for creation and participation in criminal associations. The author concludes that the existence of the preliminary crime involving liability for creating a variety of organized criminal associations, in some countries is stipulated by acts of preparation. The greatest similarity of criminal policy in the sphere of liability of the regulation for the establishment of organized criminal associations is noticeable between the USA and Russia. Based on the analysis the author proposes to exclude the corpus delicti banditry from the Criminal Code, which allows to solve the problem of differentiation of criminal liability just as the established liability for acts preparation will not allow criminals to evade liability.

banditism, gang, an organized criminal group, complicity, stage a crime, the criminal law of foreign countries, the criminal policy.

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