Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia (kafedra kafedry obschetehnicheskih disciplin, docent)
Revda, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The article describes the experience of applying of modular approach in the educational process and structuring of learning content for the formation of spatial representation, imagination and constructive and geometrical thinking within the discipline “Descriptive geometry”, studied at the University. The author describes a technique based on the modular approach, methodological support and training element for the formation of a tentative scheme of action of the learners about the typical graphics tasks during the organized independent work on discipline “Descriptive geometry”. The article describes the structure of the educational element consisting of three main parts and stage organization of educational process on the basis of a modular approach to the formation of the indicative schemes of actions of trainees. The author gives the description of the pedagogical experiment on the formation of spatial representation, imagination and constructive and geometrical thinking within the discipline “Descriptive geometry” in the conditions of Ural universities, analyzes the results and provides recommendations for the implementation of the methodology.
descriptive geometry, spatial representation and imagination, constructive-geometric thinking, a tentative scheme of action, modular approach, teaching element, pedagogical experiment.
Целью учебной дисциплины «Начертательная геометрия» в вузе является развитие пространственного представления и воображения, конструктивно-геометрического мышления, определяющих способности обучаемых к анализу и синтезу пространственных форм и отношений на основе графических моделей пространства, практически реализуемых в виде чертежей конкретных пространственных объектов и зависимостей.
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