from 01.01.2003 to 01.01.2024
Yakutsk, Yakutsk, Russian Federation
article is devoted to a research of pedagogical assistance to moral improvement of the personality. The author describes the content of moral aspect of education of future bachelors of the communication directions of preparation at the higher school and emphasizes importance of the appeal to modern moral look of the graduate. In article forms and methods of pedagogical assistance to moral improvement of the personality in the conditions of federal higher education institution are offered. According to the researcher, the special attention is deserved by the questions connected with forming of professionally important moral values in the sphere of mass communication, which are a consequence of educational process, and creation of necessary pedagogical conditions
moral improvement, pedagogical assistance, future bachelors of the communication directions of preparation
Актуальность исследования состоит в том, что каждое новое поколение студентов, поступающих в вуз, отличается от предыдущего своими взглядами, воспитанием, жизненными установками, ценностными ориентациями.
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