Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Problems related to a comprehensive assessment of construction materials’ environmental safety, taking into account stages of products’ complete life cycle have been considered. Approaches to determination of material’s safety and environmental record as environmental characteristics of the material, regardless of its use in a specific product, and without regard to processing technology have been described. It has been proposed to consider material’s safety and environmental record as the sum of three environmental safety factors for material’s life cycle stages: production of raw material and its potential environmental hazard; processing of raw material in the material; proper material from the standpoint of its environmental safety and effects on the human body. This criterion application allows compare the environmental properties both of cognate materials and dissimilar ones.

construction materials, environmental impact assessment, material’s environmental safety assessment, material’s safety and environmental record, environmental safety factor, environment.
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1. Введение

Настоящая статья продолжает цикл статей, посвященных оценке экологической безопасности материалов [1]. К настоящему времени синтезированы сотни тысяч различных веществ и разработаны десятки тысяч материалов на их основе. В течение многих веков человечество создавало различные материалы, ориентируясь только на комплекс эксплуатационных и технологических характеристик, не задумываясь об экологическом аспекте.


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2. «Osnovy gosudarstvennoy politiki v oblasti ekologicheskogo razvitiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2030 goda» (utverzhdeny Prezidentom Rossiyskoy Federatsii 30 aprelya 2012 g.) [“Basics of the state policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2030” (approved by the President of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2012)] (in Russian).

3. Dmitrenko V. P., Manuylova N. B. Materialovedenie v mashinostroenii [Materials in mechanical engineering]. Moscow, INFRA-M Publ., 2016. 432 p. (in Russian).

4. Dmitrenko V. P., Gorbachev S. I., Bulychev S. N., Manuylova N. B. Razrabotka printsipov otsenki ekologicheskoy bezopasnosti materialov [Development of the principles of environmental safety assessment materials]. Nauchnyy al’manakh [Science Almanac]. 2016, I. 1-1(15), pp. 421-424 (in Russian).

5. GOST 12.1.007-76 SSBT. «Vrednye veshchestva. Klassifikatsiya i obshchie trebovaniya bezopasnosti» [GOST 12.1.007- 76 Occupational Safety Standards System. “Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements”]. (in Russian).

6. GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT. «Obshchie sanitarno-gigienicheski trebovaniya k vozdukhu rabochey zony» [GOST 12.1.005-88 Occupational Safety Standards System. “General sanitaryhygienic requirements to the air of the working area”] (in Russian).

7. GN2.1.6.1338-03 Predel’no dopustimye kontsentratsii (PDK) zagryaznyayushchikh veshchestv v atmosfernom vozdukhe naselennykh mest (Postanovlenie Minzdrava RF ot 30.05.2003 № 114) [GN2.1.6.1338-03 maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of pollutants in the ambient air of populated areas (Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Decree of 30.05.2003 № 114)] (in Russian).

8. GN2.1.5.1315-03 Predel’no dopustimye kontsentratsii (PDK) khimicheskikh veshchestv v vode vodnykh ob”ektov khozyaystvennopit’evogo i kul’turno-bytovogo vodopol’zovaniya (Postanovlenie Minzdrava RF ot 30.03.2003 № 78) [GN2.1.5.1315-03 maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of chemicals in water bodies drinking and cultural and community water use (the Russian Ministry of Health Decree of 30.03.2003 № 78)] (in Russian).

9. GN2.1.7.2041-06 Predel’no dopustimye kontsentratsii (PDK) khimicheskikh veshchestv v pochve (Postanovlenie Federal’noy sluzhby po nadzoru v sfere zashchity prav potrebiteley i blagopoluchiya cheloveka RF ot 23.01.2006 № 1) [GBV Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of chemical substances in the soil (the Decision of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human well-being of the Russian Federation from 23.01.2006 № 1)] (in Russian).

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