Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article addresses the problem of international business communication. When cooperation goes global, communication becomes difficult due to differences in cross-cultural characteristics and national values as well as different notions of seemingly ordinary things. Knowledge and understanding of this problem promote respect and sympathy to other social groups and to anticipate their expected reaction. The inclusion of the cultural component in business communication help to communicate more effectively with representatives of other countries and it is easier to encourage them to cooperate. The emphasis on “real” understanding with foreign counterpart, finding the right key to communicate with representatives of various national mentalities is an important part of successful international business. The authors analyze the possibility of a quantitative detection system of formalized parameters of culture by the method of socio-cultural indices of Hofstede and develop a system of analysis of cultural proximity based on self-organizing Kohonen maps. In this paper, the authors examine the paradigm of local civilizations, their characteristics and features, as well as the analysis of the civilizations of modernity. The article 1) describes the contents and features of sociocultural indexes, principles for their preparation and their calculation produced for individual states and for generalization of the currently existing civilizations; 2) describes the essence and structure of neural network approaches; 3) presents the results of neural network. The authors analyzed similar characteristics of identified civilization groups and the outcome of socio-cultural patterns, studied their adequacy for practical purposes, checked the adequacy of the model and drew conclusions based on the results of the experiments.

civilization, national culture, national values, intercultural interaction, neural networks, self-organizing Kohonen map, визуализация данных, организационная культура, интеллектуальный анализ данных.
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Жалоба, что нас не понимают,

чаще всего происходит от того,

что мы не понимаем людей.

Василий Ключевский


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