Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the criteria, indicators and methods of evaluation of the structural components of models of learning and support students with disorders of the musculoskeletal system: personnel potential of the educational environment, material and technical and methodical equipment of educational process, the organization of interaction of subjects of educational process, including customers of educational services. To assess are two forms: standard and specialized educational environment. The tools that were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the presented forms of the model were developed taking into account the criteria and indicators outlined in the Interagency comprehensive plan of measures to ensure the accessibility of professional education for disabled persons and persons with disabilities for 2016 – 2018. The study presents criteria and indicators was carried out using the methods of analysis of the internal environment, expert assessments, comparative analysis and monitoring method.

model, criteria, indicators, methods of assessment, students with violation of the musculoskeletal system, psychosocial support, logistical equipment, training equipment, staffing.

Исследование проводилось в рамках исполнения государственного контракта № 05.Р03.11.0008 с Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации по реализации государственной программы Российской Федерации «Доступная среда» на 2011–2020 гг.


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2. Mezhvedomstvennyiy kompleksnyiy plan meropriyatiy po obespecheniyu dostupnosti professionalnogo obrazovaniya dlya invalidov i lits s ogranichennyimi vozmozhnostyami zdorovya na 2016 - 2018 godyi (utv. Pravitelstvom RF 23.05.2016 no 3467p-P8) [The interagency comprehensive plan to ensure the accessibility of professional education for disabled persons and persons with disabilities in 2016 - 2018 (app. The government of the Russian Federation 23.05.2016 No. 3467п-P8)].

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4. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po organizatsii obrazovatelnogo protsessa dlya obucheniya invalidov i lits s ogranichennyimi vozmozhnostyami zdorovya v obrazovatelnyih organizatsiyah vyisshego obrazovaniya, v tom chisle osnaschennosti obrazovatelnogo protsessa (utv. Minobrnauki Rossii 08.04.2014 no AK-44/05vn) [Methodical recommendations on organization of educational process for training of disabled persons and persons with disabilities in educational institutions of higher education, including equipment of educational process (app. Ministry of education of Russia 08.04.2014 № AK-44/05vn)].

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