Russian Federation
A method of dynamic vibration damping in mechanical oscillatory systems with several degrees of freedom is offered. The mathematical model of the system is represented in the form of structural scheme the equivalent in a dynamic relation to the automatic control system. The system contains device for con-verting the motion in the form of lever mechanisms containing focused additional masses. The possibilities of changing the dynamic properties of the system by using lever mechanisms and the additional ties in the form of gear connections of the elements system are shown. A method of constructing mathematical models and technology analysis of dynamic properties at kinematic excitation of system is proposed. The system of evaluation of the dynamic properties of the system in regimes of dynamic vibration damping simultaneously on two coordinates based on the use of transfer functions and analysis of structural scheme is offered. The results of computational modeling are given, confirming the manifestation the effects of dynamic blocking of external influences.
dynamic vibration damping, transfer functions, lever ties and mechanisms, blocking of disturbances
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