Saransk, Russian Federation
The core of the concept allows to characterize the specifics of any pedagogical concept and to enable the theoretical and logical inference of its key provisions. It is formed by the basic laws and principles of the concept as a system of scientific knowledge. The activity concept of the technology of extend didactic units (EDU) is based on the idea of an action enlargement, as a fundamental strategic component. Then one of the components of the core of the activity concept EDU, explaining the regularities of its functioning, is the system of an action enlargement as didactic units. The given paper is reveals the gradual construction of a final (noncomputer) model of system of this enlargement using the phased construction of the auxiliary models: informational and symbolic. Also the mechanism of an action enlargement based on this model is described. Thus the essence of the model and the mechanism of an enlargement are showed on the subject material of the school course of geometry.
core of a pedagogical concept, extend didactic units(EDU), technology of EDU, activity concept of EDU, model,enlargement mechanism.
Современное образование характеризуется усилением внимания к личности ученика, его саморазвитию и самопознанию, формированию у него способности творчески осваивать и преобразовывать действительность в процессе самореализации. Поэтому особое внимание в педагогической науке уделяется созданию альтернативных инновационных проектов, поиску и внедрению более эффективных форм, средств и методов активного обучения, соответствующей модернизации выделяемых ранее педагогических направлений и технологий и др.
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