The article considers the problem of formation of positive motivational-value attitude of the students of higher educational institutions of water transport to the physical education. The results of the enquiry aimed at the searching of the criteria of value orientations of the students, which are the basis of law motivation of students in fi tness, are given. The authors analyze the factors, which decrease the performance of the future specialists in water transport and have a negative infl uence on the eff ectiveness of the professional tasks: continuous shift climate zones and time zones, separation from the surrounding beaches and the impact of family environment (pitching, vibration, noise), extreme events expressed by neuro-emotional stress. Professional assistance in overcoming these negative phenomena, knowledge of methods and principles of the organization of teaching and educational activity — fundamental problems of physical education teachers, coaches, instructors and trainers, that can signifi cantly increase the level of awareness students need motor-physical activity.
students, factor, values, motivation, physical education.
Формирование позитивного отношения будущих специалистов водного транспорта к физической культуре рассматривается как неотъемлемая часть профессиональной подготовки студентов и как средство формирования всесторонне развитой личности.
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