Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
For the first time the mathematical model of task optimization for this scheme of cutting logs, including the objective function and six equations of connection. The article discusses Pythagorean area of the logs. Therefore, the target function is represented as the sum of the cross-sectional areas of edging boards. Equation of the relationship represents the relationship of the diameter of the logs in the vertex end with the size of the resulting edging boards. This relationship is described through the use of the Pythagorean Theorem. Such a representation of the mathematical model of optimization task is considered a classic one. However, the solution of this mathematical model by the classic method is proved to be problematic. For the solution of the mathematical model we used the method of Lagrange multipliers. Solution algorithm to determine the optimal dimensions of the beams and side edging boards taking into account the width of cut is suggested. Using a numerical method, optimal dimensions of the beams and planks are determined, in which the objective function takes the maximum value. It turned out that with the increase of the width of the cut, thickness of the beam increases and the dimensions of the side edging boards reduce. Dimensions of the extreme side planks to increase the width of cut is reduced to a greater extent than the side boards, which are located closer to the center of the log. The algorithm for solving the optimization problem is recommended to use for calculation and preparation of sawing schedule in the design and operation of sawmill lines for timber production. When using the proposed algorithm for solving the optimization problem the output of lumber can be increased to 3-5 %.

saw logs, cut width, beam, edged board, mathematical model, objective function, equation of connection, numerical method, task algorithm.
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Брусово-развальный способ раскроя пиловочника широко используется в промышленности, так как позволяет за два прохода сформировать обрезные доски.


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