Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Silicon carbide black grinding powders 54CF180-F36, mass-produced at Volzhsky Abrasive Plant are studied. Powders are screened into fractions according to GOST R 52381. Measurement of a grain width of each fraction was carried out by means of a photome-tric method using specially developed software. For the vast majority of fractions the grain width follows the normal distribution law. The deviation of the grain width from the normal law can be observed at the frac-tions settled on the second sieve and the pallet. With decreasing the nominal mesh size of a pass sieve in each grit size the arithmetic mean of grain width of the main fraction decreases, dispersion reduces from the fraction settling on the second sieve to the fourth and increases at the fraction settling on the pallet. In case of the identical mesh size of a pass sieve the mean and dispersion of grain width fraction increase with grinding powder grit increase. For each grit size the functional dependences of the mean and dispersion of grain width fraction on a mesh size of a pass sieve are established.

economic security, mineral-raw material complex, mineral resources base, mineral resources potential, technical and economic indicators, geological reserves.
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