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Abstract (English):
The current state of inventive activity in Russia is considered. It is shown that Russia isn't included even into ten world leaders by the number of received pa-tents for inventions whereas until recently it was among the top three. It significantly reduces the poten-tial of innovative development of the Russian Federa-tion. Measures which can help to stimulate inventive activity are given. The main of them are: stimulation of intellectual potential (IP) increase of the organization staff capable to be engaged in inventive activity and preparation of specialists in higher education institutions with high IP and having basic knowledge for inventive activity; use of modern economic institute of the public-private partnership (PPP) for detailed study of inventions and introducing them in production. It is most appropriate to use tools of PPP in the form of regional or regional venture funds. The considered measures can help, at the first stage, to intensify inventive activity in Russia, and, therefore, to improve its innovative potential that will lead, as a result, to strengthening of economic security in Russia.

institution, public-private partnership, PPP, intangible assets, patent, intellectual potential.
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