At the present stage of innovative economy for-mation in Russia the solution of problems of effective industrial complex development of the country is of the utmost importance. The Russian Federation, having the considerable potential for maintaining effective development of the industrial enterprises, is at the initial stage of innovative industry modernization. For efficiency increase of industrial enterprises activity, and, in particular, mechanical engineering, it is offered to use the following events: business process reengineering of some enterprises; creation of industrial clusters on the basis of the most effectively functioning enterprises; monitoring of the strategic development level and potential of the industrial enterprises with the purpose of detecting the most and the least promising. Business process reengineering involves strong, revolutionary reorganization of the organization processes which must be accompanied by the implementation of a new information system at the enterprise. Its purpose is a sharp improvement of key activity indicators. Industrial clusters represent modern form of enterprises associations on mesolevel of economy. For the purpose of achievement of maximum effectiveness of the industry it is also necessary to monitor the enterprises of the industry based on growth rates of business cost and potential. Using the listed methods will allow to rebuild radically both the separate enterprises of the industry, and the whole industry in general and made it the leading one for economic development of the country.
business process, optimization, level of strategic development, industry.
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