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Abstract (English):
The population of southwest regions of the Bryansk region (Novozybkovsky, Krasnogorsk, Zlyn-kovsky, Gordeevsky, Klintsy, Klimovsk and Starodub regions) was most exposed to radiation from the Cher-nobyl accident. For reducing social and economic consequences of the accident it is necessary to increase population welfare, to create a social and attractive business envi-ronment, to promote innovative development of the industry, increase of the birth rate, growth of life ex-pectancy of citizens, formation of civil society, and also to control the city and the region effectively. The article distinguishes the main socio-economic problems of southwest regions of the Bryansk region, such as poor production development, low level of the salary, low level of investment into the fixed capital, poor health care, leaving of youth, etc. For development of southwest regions of the Bryansk region it is necessary to increase enterprise activity through creation of industrial and agro-industrial clusters. It is also recommended to create Centre of economic development of southwest regions of the Bryansk region and transport-logistical center.

socio-economic problems, development, Bryansk region, Chernobyl accident, Center of economic development, transport-logistical center.
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