Bryansk, Russian Federation
It provides an overview of various approaches to formation of threshold values of economic security indicators; disadvantages and "weak" points of the existing systems are revealed. The most optimum ap-proach which is based on the method of indicative analysis is highlighted. Threshold values of the main indicators of economic security of the Russian Federa-tion at the national and regional levels are calculated; the examples of their definitions and justifications are given. The following indicators are considered: ratio of external debt to GDP; the relation of the resources in-volved in a shadow turn to GDP; ratio of per capita income to the subsistence minimum. An approach to clustering of regions of the Russian Federation on thre-shold values of indicators of economic security is of-fered. The following features can be selected among the main features of clustering: climatic conditions, degree of territory development, structure of industrial production in the area, provision of the territory with its own mineral resources, strength of logistic territory’s links with other areas, development of scientific schools and scientific potential of the territory, devel-opment of higher education, level of development and orientation of the structure of industrial production in the area, export potential of the territory, geographical location of the territory, degree of population areas, production capacity and financial support of the territory, age composition, etc.
economic security, indicative analysis, indicators of economic security, threshold values, territorial groups.
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