Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Economists are interested in problems of increas-ing the efficiency of resource use in industry for a long time. However in modern conditions at the stage of the transfer to innovative way of development in the situa-tion of sanctions it is one of the key problems. In the article the author's principles of industrial systems management are formulated: compliance; systemacity and integrity; safety; coordination. The author's principle is marked out: the principle of alloca-tive according to which it is necessary to accept admin-istrative efforts for maximum effectiveness resources use and the measures applied in management process have to consider heterogeneous nature of the industrial system, and, therefore, in various sectors they have to be various. The author shows a formula for the growth rate of allocation system effectiveness, classification of re-sources and factors is carried out, the directions for the choice of extensive and intensive type of industrial system growth are shown. Special attention is paid to the management of intangible assets. Methods of in-creasing the efficiency of their use at the microlevel (the industrial enterprise) and macrolevel (industrial system of the country) of management are considered. Using the recommendations presented in the article will give the chance to increase allocative efficiency of the used resources, adaptive efficiency of the industrial enterprises that finally will lead to growth of the overall system effectiveness.

industry, factor, resource, efficiency, allocation.
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