Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article continues the series of publications based on the research of speech stereotipicity and creativity. As a source of empiric data the author uses material of association experiment which proves to be highly informative about human’s linguo-cognitive activity and its products. However, analysis of the respondents’ answers reveals facts of their deviation from the experimental instruction. Such facts in certain cases serve as indication of the respondents’ communicative initiative. Considering that the communicative aspect, along with the cognitive one, constitutes human’s speech activity, the author includes these facts into the data analysis aiming at detecting features of stereotipicity and creativity in the communicative actions of the respondents. To achieve this aim the author suggests a number of parameters. The article brings these parameters to light as well as the scientific grounds for their elaboration and the results of their application in the data analysis.

association experiment, communication, lines (strategies) of behaviour, stereotipicity, creativity.
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Ассоциативный эксперимент (АЭ) как метод изучения психической и социальной природы личности широко применяется и в лингвистических исследованиях. Материал АЭ представляет собой актуальный для современного состояния срез исследуемого объекта и отвечает требованиям антропоцентрического подхода к исследованию языковых феноменов.


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