Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper deals with the analysis of social roles and their linguistic realization in German critical review. The paper presents theoretical grounds of the role of personality in the process of text production and gives historical background of this problem. The author of the paper characterizes social roles of participants of academic communication and shows peculiarities of interpersonal interaction. The paper presents linguistic markers of relations “reviewer — author review — reader”. The paper focuses on systematization of the basic language means.

social roles, academic review, interpersonal relations “reviewer — author review — reader”, personal-oriented text-analysis.
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Глубина осознания человеческой индивидуальности играет важную роль для процесса всякой коммуникации, а в дальнейшем и для интерпретации текста. За каждым текстом стоит языковая личность, владеющая системой языка [3, с. 27].


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