Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper has been devoted to consideration of main results related to development of chemical (associated with the use of various buffer solutions) and electro-physical (based on application of alternating electrical frequency-modulated signal to the system) technologies for the use of construction waste — technogenic mineral carbon compounds (by the example of CaCO3 and CaMg(CO3)2) — as a geoecological reserve for intensification of plants growth and development when urban areas landscaping. The proposed technologies have been focused on the improvement of soils by use, or “activation” by certain methods already made during construction works, technogenic mineral carbon compounds, which are mixed with the soil’s top layer and become for plants a source for additional supply of biologically important element — carbon. Vegetation experiments’ results confirm the feasibility and effectiveness for application of these technologies, as well as their combination in the practice related to urban gardening in landscaping after completion of construction and repair works with provision of integrated effect on the system: on seeds, soil, watering solutions.

construction waste, technogenic mineral carbon, landscaping, urban land improvement.

1. Введение
В настоящее время строительная отрасль интенсивно развивается, а заключительным и немаловажным этапом при строительстве или реконструкции любого объекта является благоустройство территории. Поэтому проблема быстрого, качественного и эффективного озеленения после окончания строительных работ актуальна.


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