Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
An assessment for impact of a radioactive waste repository on a regional population according to “Safety Evaluation Methodology for Shallow Ground Repositories of Radioactive Waste” proposed by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been performed. The following scenarios for ingress of radio-nuclides in the environment were taken into consideration: fluid leakage, dust resuspension, fire, flooding. Evaluation of exposure dose rate and radiation risk for the population had showed that the risk is unacceptable for emergency scenarios (dust resuspension, fire, flooding), as there is an irradiation dose overrunning for the public (1 mcSv/year), established by Radiation Safety Standards‑99/2009, and negligible risk level for the public, equal to 10–6. With the development of the “Leakage of Fluid” scenario the risk for one of the radio nuclides (137Cs), which are sources of public exposure, is acceptable. In connection with this the radioactive waste repository is “conditionally” safety object to the public while a gradual penetrating of radio nuclides into the environment.

risk assessment, exposure dose rate, dust resuspension, fire, flooding, fluid leakage.

1. Введение
Активное развитие атомной энергетики и неэнергетического применения мирного атома частично сдерживается опасениями относительно возможного неблагоприятного воздействия радиационного фактора на здоровье населения и окру-
жающую среду.


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