Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper reports the results of the impact of different edge surfaces preparation upon the structure of a metal joint and strength characteristics of welds made by a method a friction welding with mixing. As objects of investigations there were chosen plates made of aluminum alloys 1565, 1201, 1915, V-1341, 1420 and 1460 with 5 mm thick with different edge machining for welding: by stripping and degreasing; by machining, for surface oxide layer removal; by AC and DC welding arc for “growing” a surface oxide layer and the further analysis of its distribution in a metal joint after welding. In the paper there are shown the results of metal joint micro-structure investigation and also test results of welds for strength. Oxide distribution from the surface of edge surfaces inside joint metal and its influence upon strength properties of joints is analyzed.

aluminum alloy; friction welding with mixing; oxide inclusions; oxide distribution; joint strength.
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