Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the problem of development of one-industry towns is considered. As a result of the global financial crisis, which led to partial or absolute suspension of the core enterprises in 2008-2009, was disrupted the livelihoods of many company towns, in which the currently focused 24% of the urban population. Single-industry cities make up 14% of all cities in the country, which is home to about 35 million people [1]. To overcome the negative effects of the crisis on the life of single-industry towns of Russia is possible, according to the authors, the implementation of structural changes in the economy and in the provision of services to the population. This cannot be achieved without improving the employment structure of the population. In this regard the employment policy of single-industry towns should consider measures for the development of new forms of labor organization, small and medium business, creation of new jobs.

monocities, employment policy, jobs, employment structure, labour market, quality jobs.
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На рубеже ХХ–ХХI вв. в России происходили существенные изменения в сфере труда и социально-трудовых отношений. Под их влиянием на российском рынке труда (региональный, профессиональный, квалифицированный, отраслевой, демографический) возник дисбаланс.


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