Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
In different countries, economic theorists argue that the type of economic development in second half of the XX century has changed qualitatively. Industrial technology ceased to be leading, and their place was taken by informational, financial, social, technology, management, policy, services, etc. But the operation and, especially, improvement of technical base for these activities is impossible without the existence of a developed industry. Therefore, the relationship between the industry and the economy in General and of social institutions is considered to be a priori. But what is the connection? The answer to this question creates the preconditions for a conscious management of the development of the economy based on clear quantitative criteria of an estimation of prospects of development and, consequently, control over the direction and dynamics of change. However, the problem of quantitative assessment of criteria development is only one of the problems, the solution of which depends on the development of the economy and society as a whole. What does “flow in the veins” of the economy? Does monetary system meet the modern requirements? What institutions are needed for development and which institutions inhibit it? Only the answer to this set of issues gives hope for a more predictable crisis-free economic development. Of course, issues of measurability relationships between phenomena of social life should not mean an automatic increase of system effectiveness of management of the economy, and, moreover, positive influence on the degree of turbulence. Therefore, only considering the problem from the point of view of the relationship of different questions, which is the feature of this article, allow hope to change the situation for the better.
macroconstants development, industrial policy, monetary system, national currency, institutional environment, development institutions.
1. Вступление
Задача повышения эффективности российской экономики и избавления от сырьевой ориентации стоит на повестке дня уже более 100 лет. В 1913 г. подушевой ВВП в России составлял примерно 30% от американского. В настоящее время это соотношение принципиально не изменилось. Множество попыток, предпринятых за 100 лет, не привели к изменению тенденции.
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