Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The articles deals with historical analysis of systems approach usage in project management. Definition of Enterprise Project Management as a system is suggested. The article describes research results about usage of different project management methods and tools at different levels of management in an organization. Thus, top management mostly uses project portfolio management tools, project control and project procurement methods, i.e. project suppliers’ reliability appraisal. Mid level management prefers project planning and control tools as well as project change management tools. Low level management uses project initiation and control tools such as project charter, Gantt charts, project progress reports and strategic milestone plans. The proposed approach can be used in the process of Enterprise Project Management methodology development.

projects management, systems approach.
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Управление проектами по природе своей предполагает применение системного подхода. Проекты, программы и портфели проектов являются системами, компетенции менеджеров проектов предполагают способность к системному мышлению.


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