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Abstract (English):
Zabolevaniya gepatopankreatobiliarnoy sistemy predstavlyayut soboy aktual'nuyu klinicheskuyu problemu, poskol'ku vstrechaemost' ih neuklonno rastet. Proveden literaturnyy obzor luchevyh metodov v diagnostike okklyuzionnyh porazheniy zhelchevyvodyaschih putey. Pri ispol'zovanii instrumental'nyh metodov issledovaniya otmecheny ih diagnosticheskie vozmozhnosti. Otkrytoy temoy ostaetsya optimizaciya diagnosticheskogo algoritma sostoyaniya organov gepatobiliarnoy zony v celyah utochneniya haraktera prichin mehanicheskoy zheltuhi.

mehanicheskaya zheltuha, diagnostika, MSKT, UZI
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1. Alekseytsev AV, Meylakh BL. (2016). Effectiveness analysis of instrumental methods of obstructive jaundice differential diagnostics [Analiz effektivnosti instrumental’nykh metodov differentsial’noy diagnostiki mekhanicheskoy zheltukhi]. Permskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal, (3), 36-42.

2. Arablinskiy AV. (2013). CT and MRT diagnostics of pancreas cancer [Diagnostika opukholey podzheludochnoy zhelezy pri pomoshchi komp’yuternoy i magnitno-rezonansnoy tomografii]. Meditsinskiy alfavit, 3-4 (23), 38-42.

3. Boboev BD. (2012). Ultrasound diagnostics of cholelithiasis and its complications [ Ul’trazvukovoe issledovanie v diagnostike zhelchnokamennoy bolezni i ee oslozhneniy]. Vestnik khirurgii im. I.I. Grekova, (2), 21-24.

4. Borisenko VB, Gorgol NI, Mishina MM. (2013). Biliar septic shock: peculiarities of pathomorphologic changes of internal organs in experiment [Biliarnyy septicheskiy shok: osobennosti patomorfologicheskikh izmeneniy vnutrennikh organov v eksperimente].Vіsnik morfologії, (1), 38-42.

5. Borisov AE. (2003). Guidelines on surgery of the liver and bile ducts. Volume 1 [Rukovodstvo po khirurgii pecheni i zhelchevyvodyashchikh putey. Tom 1]. Sankt-Peterburg, 488 p.

6. Bubnova EV, Bryzgalova SV, Putilova IV, Kamenskaya OV. (2010). Radiodiagnostics of small calculi of hepaticocholedochus [Luchevaya diagnostika melkikh konkrementov gepatikokholedokha]. Meditsinskaya vizualizatsiya: Materialy IV Vserossiyskogo natsional’nogo kongressa luchevykh diagnostov i terapevtov. Moskva, 64-65.

7. Vetscheva NN, Karmazanovskiy GG. (2014). Informative value of instrumental diagnostic methods in pre-surgical evaluation of vascular invasion in pancreas malignancies [Diagnosticheskaya informativnost’ instrumental’nykh metodov issledovaniya v dooperatsionnoy otsenke sosudistoy invazii pri zlokachestvennykh opukholyakh podzheludochnoy zhelezy]. Vestnik khirurgicheskoy gastroenterologii, (3-4), 66-73.

8. Vinnik YS, Pakhomova RA, Voronova EA. (2015). Effectiveness analysis of instrumental diagnostics of obstructive jaundice of various severity [Analiz effektivnosti instrumental’noy diagnostiki mekhanicheskoy zheltukhi raznoy stepeni tyazhesti]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya, (3), 199.

9. Gulman M., Vinnik YS, Pakhomova RA, Kochetova LV. (2012). Actual issues of hepatic insufficiency at obstructive jaundice: diagnostics (report 1) [Aktual’nye problemy pechenochnoy nedostatochnosti pri mekhanicheskoy zheltukhe: diagnostika (soobshchenie 1)]. Sibirskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal (Irkutsk), (3), 22-27.

10. Davydov MI, Aksel EM. (2002). Malignancies in Russia and CIS countries in 2000 [Zlokachestvennye novoobrazovaniya v Rossii i stranakh SNG v 2000 g.]. Moskva, 281 p.

11. Danzanova TY, Sinyukova GT, Lepedatu PI. (2014). Present-day methods of diagnostics of cholaiigiocarcinoma [Sovremennye metody diagnostiki kholangiotsellyulyarnogo raka]. Meditsinskaya vizualizatsiya, (1), 22-36.

12. Dolgushin MB, Tulin PE, Odzharova AA, Meshheryakova NA, Nevzorov DI, Menkov MA, Patyutko YI, Dolgushin BI. (2015). CT-perfusion in differential diagnostics of hepatic tumors [KT-perfuziya v differentsial’noy diagnostike opukholey pecheni]. Meditsinskaya vizualizatsiya, (5), 18.

13. Dykan IN, Tarasyuk BA, Polishchuk EV, Potapov AV, Krasyuk AA, Lutsenko SV. (2011). Mutlidetector CT-perfusiography of the liver at chronic diffuse diseases [Mul’tidetektornaya komp’yuternaya perfuziografiya pecheni pri khronicheskikh diffuznykh zabolevaniyakh]. Luchevaya diagnostika, luchevaya terapiya, (4), 8-13.

14. Eliseev SM, Kornilov NG, Chikoteev SP, Gumerov RR. (2010). Substantiation of surgical tactics at obstructive jaundice (analytical literature review) [Obosnovanie khirurgicheskoy taktiki pri mekhanicheskoy zheltukhe (analiticheskiy obzor literatury)]. Bulleten’ Vostochno-Sibirskogo nauchnogo centra, (5), 233-239.

15. Ivshin VG, Yakunin AY, Makarov YI. (1996). Trancutaneous transhepatic diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in patients with obstructive jaundice [Chreskozhnye chrespechenochnye diagnosticheskie i lechebnye vmeshatel’stva u bol’nykh s mekhanicheskoy zheltukhoy]. Annaly khirurgicheskoy gepatologii, 1, 121-131.

16. Karimov SI, Kim VL, Borovskiy SP, Egamov NE, Khakimov MS. (2008). Transcutaneous transhepatic cholangiography in diagnostics of tumors in hepatopancreaduodenal zone [Chreskozhnaya chrespechenochnaya kholangiografiya v diagnostike opukholey gepatopankreatoduodenal’noy zony]. Annaly khirurgicheskoy gepatologii, 13 (2), 81-84.

17. Karmazanovskiy GG. (2016). Solid structure tumors of the pancreas: protocols of radiologic examinations, differential diagnostics (lecture, part 1) [Opukholi podzheludochnoy zhelezy solidnoy struktury: protokoly luchevykh issledovaniy, differentsial’naya diagnostika ( lektsiya, chast’ 1)]. Meditsinskaya vizualizatsiya, (4), 54-63.

18. Kozlov VV, Khmara MB, Gorokhov SV, Gnilosyrov PA, Cheremisin VN, Niyazova SA. (2014). Endoscopic retrograde pacreatocholangiography in diagnostics and treatment of obstructive jaundice [Rol’ endoskopicheskoy retrogradnoy pankreatokholangiografii v diagnostike i lechenii bol’nykh s mekhanicheskoy zheltukhoy]. Bulletin of Medical Internet Conferences, 4 (5), 836.

19. Kononenko SN, Limonchikov SV. (2011). Diagnostics of obstructive jaundice and ways to improve effectiveness of mini-invasive technologies aimed at its elimination [Diagnostika mekhanicheskoy zheltukhi i puti povysheniya effektivnosti miniinvazivnykh tekhnologiy, napravlennykh na ee likvidatsiyu]. Khirurgiya. Zhurnal im. N.I. Pirogova, (9), 4-11.

20. Koshevskiy PP, Alekseev SA, Bovtjuk NY. (2011). Obtructive jaundice (report 1): leading ethiopathogenic mechanisms and their clinical evaluation [Mekhanicheskaya zheltukha (soobshchenie 1): vedushchie etiopatogeneticheskie mekhanizmy i ikh klinicheskaya otsenka]. Voennaya meditsina. (4), 133-138.

21. Krasilnikov DM, Farrakhov AZ, Kurbangaleev AI. (2010). Surgical tactics at iatrogenic inguries of the bile ducts [Khirurgicheskaya taktika pri yatrogennykh povrezhdeniyakh zhelchevyvodyashchikh protokov]. Prakticheskaya meditsina, (47), 20-29.

22. Kudryashova NE, Yermolov AS, Ivanov PA, Gulyayev AA, Samsonov VT, Trofimova EY, Pavlikova EY, Kuprikov SV. (2007). Hepatobiliary scintigraphy in diagnostics of obstructive jaundice [Gepatobilistsintigrafiya v diagnostike mekhanicheskoy zheltukhi]. Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii, (3), 39-45.

23. Kurbonov KM, Kasymov HS. (2006). Diagnostics and treatment of echinococcosis of liver with bile-duct involvement [Diagnostika i lechenie ekhinokokkoza pecheni s porazheniem zhelchnykh protokov]. Annaly khirurgicheskoy gepatologii, 11 (2), 20-23.

24. Lishmanov YB, Chernov VI. (2004). Radionuclide diagnostics for medical practitioners [Radionuklidnaya diagnostika dlya praktikuyushchikh vrachey].Tomsk, 394 p.

25. Lobakov AI, Mokin MV, Birjushev VI, Zakharov YI. (2014). Obstructive jaundice at extrahepatic bile duct cancer in elderly patients [Mekhanicheskaya zheltukha pri rake vnepechenochnykh zhelchnykh protokov u patsientov pozhilogo vozrasta]. Permskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal, 32 (4), 50-52.

26. Maystrenko NA, Nechaya AI. (1999). Hepatobiliary surgery: guidelines for physicians [Gepatobiliarnaya khirurgiya: rukovodstvo dlya vrachey]. Sankt-Peterburg, 268 p.

27. Maystrenko NA, Stukalov VV, Pryadko AS, Azimov FK, Strukov EY, Kazakevich GG. (2011). Diagnostics and treatment of obstructive jaundice syndrome of benignant origin [Diagnostika i lechenie sindroma mekhanicheskoy zheltukhi dobrokachestvennogo geneza]. Annaly khirurgicheskoy gepatologii, (3), 26-34.

28. Makhmadov FI, Kurbonov KM, Nurov ZK, Gulakhmadov AD, Sobirov AD. (2013). Modern aspects of diagnostics and treatment of obstructive jaundice [Sovremennye aspekty diagnostiki i lecheniya mekhanicheskikh zheltukh]. Novosti khirurgii, (6), 113-122.

29. Medzhidov RT, Sultanova RS, Mamedova EP, Abdullaeva AZ. (2015). Bile duct rapid decompression syndrome: prevention and treatment [Sindrom «bystroy dekompressii» biliarnogo trakta: profilaktika i lechenie]. Meditsinskiy vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza, 10 (4), 352-356.

30. Mironov VI. (2000). Bile hypertension syndrome and its role in pathologies of biliopancreaduodenal zone [Sindrom zhelchnoy gipertenzii i ego rol’ pri patologicheskikh sostoyaniyakh biliopankreatoduodenal’noy zony]. Sibirskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal (Irkutsk), (4), 10-16.

31. Momunova ON. (2011). Predecompression of bile ducts in obstructive jaundice [Predvaritel’naya dekompressiya zhelchnykh protokov pri mekhanicheskoy zheltukhe]. Annaly khirurgicheskoy gepatologii, 16 (2), 95-100.

32. Nazarov SK, Abdurakhmonov DR, Zaripov MT. (2012). Non-invasive diagnostics of obstructive jaundice [Neinvazivnaya diagnostika mekhanicheskoy zheltukhi]. Vestnik Avitsenny, (1), 35-39.

33. Natalskiy AA, Tarasenko SV, Zaytsev OV, Peskov OD. (2014). Modern concepts on hepatic insufficiency in surgery [Sovremennye predstavleniya o pechenochnoy nedostatochnosti v khirurgii]. Rossiyskiy mediko-biologicheskiy vestnik im. akad. I.P. Pavlova, (4), 138-147.

34. Osmonov TA, Bebezov BK, Raimkulov AE. (2006). Results of transcutaneous transhepatic endobiliary interventions in surgery of biliary ducts [Rezul’taty chreskozhnykh chrespechenochnykh endobiliarnykh vmeshatel’stv v khirurgii zhelchnykh putey]. Annaly khirurgicheskoy gepatologii, 11 (4), 50-53.

35. Parkhisenko YA, Zhdanov AI, Parkhisenko VY, Kalashnik RS. (2013). Obstructive jaundice: present day concept of diagnostics and treatment [Mekhanicheskaya zheltukha: sovremennye vzglyady na problemu diagnostiki i khirurgicheskogo lecheniya]. Ukrains’kiy zhurnal khіrurgіi, (3), 202-214.

36. Petrov AM, Khabitsov VS. (2011). MRT at cholelithiasis and its complications [Magnitno-rezonansnaya tomografiya pri zhelchekamennoy bolezni i ee oslozhneniyakh]. Kubanskiy nauchnyy meditsinskiy vestnik, (6), 103-105.

37. Prozorova E.V., Kazakevich V.I., Sidorov D.V., Mitina L.A., Stepanov S.O. Rol' intraoperacionnogo ul'trazvukovogo issledovaniya v stadirovanii solidnyh opuholey podzheludochnoy zhelezy // Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine. - 2014. - № 2. - S. 68-76.

38. Skulskiy SK, Kashchenko VA, Loyt AA, Solonitsyn EG. (2015). MR-cholangiopancreatography in choledochilithiasis preoperative diagnostics in preparation for laparoscopic cholecystectomy [Rol’ magnitno-rezonansnoy kholangiopankreatografii v predoperatsionnoy diagnostike kholedokholitiaza u patsientov, gotovyashchikhsya k laparoskopicheskoy kholetsistektomii]. Vestnik eksperimental’noy i klinicheskoy khirurgii, 8 (1), 92-99.

39. Stepanov SO, Sidorov DV, Skreptsova IS, Prozorova EV. (2013). Complex radiodiagnostics of malignant pancreatic tumors [Kompleksnaya luchevaya diagnostika zlokachestvennykh opukholey podzheludochnoy zhelezy]. Luchevaya diagnostika i terapiya, (3), 52-58.

40. Tarasenko SV, Natal’skiy AA, Zaytsev OV, Peskov OD, Aftaev VB, Levitin AV, Prus SY. (2012). Nosological structure of obstructive jaundice syndrome [Nozologicheskaya struktura sindroma mekhanicheskoy zheltukhi]. Annaly khirurgii, (1), 63-67.

41. Khadzhibaev FA, Tilemisov SO, Khashimov MA, Tilemisov RO. (2016). Antegrade and retrograde cholangiography in diagnostics of obstructive jaundice [Antegradnaya i retrogradnaya kholangiografiya pri diagnostike mekhanicheskoy zheltukhi]. Vestnik khirurgicheskoy gastroenterologii, (3), 76.

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61. Prozorova EV, Kazakevich VI, Sidorov DV, Mitina LA, Stepanov SO. (2014). Intraoperative ultrasound examination in solid pancreatic tumor staging [Rol’ intraoperatsionnogo ul’trazvukovogo issledovaniya v stadirovanii solidnykh opukholey podzheludochnoy zhelezy]. Sovremennye tekhnologii v meditsine, (2), 68-76.

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