Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Article is devoted to the main issues of forming and significance of motivation in the general system of personnel motivation. The authors research the theoretical approaches to the consideration of the personnel features as a production factor (tool efficiency, diligence, potential, adaptability, vector, etc.). The article analyzes human resource management as a system in which the motivation is the main element affecting the staff. The authors on the base of studying the main approaches to the definition of motivation make the conclusion that it is a process of prompting the worker to carry out activities in accordance with company's existing objectives. It is confirms the fact that motivation is not only a part, but also the enterprise human resource management function. The article considers the most common, but constantly changing by their nature motivations for work, namely stability, assertiveness, flocking, etc. The authors analyze the relationship and interdependence of motivation and human needs through the study of the basic motivation theories, namely the classical theory of needs, human relations theory, theory of providing advantages, factor «Z» theory, the goal setting theory and other. The research result is in the fact that indivisibility and interdependence of human needs and their satisfaction, and consequently obtaining the desired result, is the basis of motivation. Therefore, inducement for activities, heading an employee to a particular activity and control are the main functions of motivation

staff, motive, motivation, system, management
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