Elec, Lipetsk, Russian Federation
Person’s speech culture is the key to the organization of effective management. The poverty of vocabulary and inappropriate use of the language means in the business communication are an insurmountable linguistic barrier which blocks contacts of people. The article provides an overview of the typical mistakes made by students of the distance learning courses «Business Russian language on the Civil Service» (for example, indistinction of paronyms, using of pleonasm, hesitation in determining the gender of abbreviations, infringement of the rules of Russian speech etiquette and others). According to the author, some of these mistakes can be explained not only by the insufficient knowledge of the different types of standards, but also by the processes taking place in the linguistic field. For example, the process of intensification of borrowing and semantic changes in the lexicon leads to the formation of the words with the value shaded in the individual personality dictionary, the expansion of words from politics and economy leads to the increase of the frequency of functioning of the construction «dative with the preposition “on”» to transfer supplies relations.
business communication, language norm, state employee, additional educational program, typical mistake.
Деловое общение — наука сравнительно молодая, сложившаяся лишь к середине XX в. под влиянием ряда социально-экономических причин: появления компьютерных технологий, внедрения новых производств, возрастания роли сферы услуг, дифференциации социальных потребностей людей и т.д.
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