from 01.01.2014 to 01.01.2019
Bolashaq Academy (Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, Senior Lecturer)
from 01.01.2014 to 01.01.2019
Karaganda, Kazakhstan
GRNTI 14.85 Технические средства обучения и учебное оборудование
GRNTI 16.31 Прикладное языкознание
OKSO 44.06.01 Образование и педагогические науки
OKSO 44.04.01 Педагогическое образование
OKSO 45.03.03 Фундаментальная и прикладная лингвистика
BBK 73 Научно-информационная деятельность
BBK 74 Образование. Педагогическая наука
BBK 811 Прикладное языкознание
BBK 812А Английский язык
TBK 5185 Информационные технологии в науке и образовании
TBK 841 Общее и прикладное языкознание
TBK 8419 Прикладное языкознание
TBK 843 Английский язык
This article describes the university students’ experience in one International Student Project “My city and me,” organized by a United Statesbased non-governmental International Education and Resource Network or iEARN that united 26 000 teachers and about 2 000 000 students from 140 countries for the work on over 3000 projects in 30 different languages. The described project aimed to introduce the participants’ hometown to the international learners with the help of technologies, but the project’s flow and outcomes resulted in the adequate approach to the choice of software for better realization of students’ creativity and further development of their communicative skills.” The article provides an author’s approaches regarding the choice of all necessary technologies and applications for the successful delivery of the project.
IEARN, International Education and Resource Network, software, technologies, applications, international projects, communicative skills, S.M.A.R.T. goals, creativity.
С декабря 2016 г. по апрель 2017 г. студенты группы первого курса после колледжа по специальности «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» принимали участие в международном телекоммуникационном проекте My city and me.
1. IEARN Collaboration Centre: sayt [IEARN Collaboration Center: site]. Available at: (accessed 22 July 2017).
2. Kompetentnostnyy podkhod: pravila postanovki uchebnykh tseley: sayt Glavnaya stranitsa ID «Pervogo sentyabrya» [Competence approach: the rules for setting educational goals: site Main page “First September” publishing house]. Available at: (accessed 22 July 2017).
3. The World’s Best Free Online Storyboard Creator: sayt Storyboard That. [Elektronnyy resurs]. Available at: (accessed 22 July 2017).