The article tells about the essence of cognition process; creative thinking starts with an insight, which is a sudden elucidation of the general idea, structure or situation. In this context guessing is based on the formed concepts and schemes, as we can enunciate only the things, which our knowledge and language are capable of. Consequently, cognition is a translation of the accumulated information into a customary language, provided that this language should be relatively rich. Mathematics as a cognitive tool is a language and a prepared device for a research in science and technology, due to the informatization and computerization process. Mathematics classes form not only the competencies, related to logical thinking, but also such characteristic features as a skill and a habit of time-consuming intense activity, strictness, determination and discipline, laconic and accurate phrasing.
cognition, teaching, creative thinking, competencies formation, mathematics.
Согласно Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту основного общего образования, по которому уже сейчас учатся шестиклассники, у каждого выпускника школы должны быть сформированы готовность и способность к саморазвитию и самообразованию на основе мотивации к обучению и познанию, осознанный выбор и построение дальнейшей индивидуальной траектории образования с учетом устойчивых познавательных интересов [7].
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