Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Timely implementation of the state innovation programs requires a large financial investment on account of private sector investment of the economy. In this regard, the present article is devoted to the study of public-private partnerships as a source of extra-budgetary funding for the state innovation programs in Russia. The author analyzed the possibility of involvement of various extra-budgetary sources to finance public innovation programs, which allowed to conclude that the public-private partnership is one of the most effective mechanisms of financing the implementation of government programs. The article considers the characteristic features of public-private partnerships, and identified key issues of implementation of public-private partnership in the Russian Federation. Based on the conducted research the author developed a complex of measures which implementation may contribute to increasing the attractiveness of the mechanism of public-private partnerships to Finance public innovation programs.
extra-budgetary funding, public-private partnerships, investments, innovation, innovative program, financing.
Стратегическое развитие российской экономики основано на различных госпрограммах, включающих комплексы планируемых мероприятий, объемы их финансирования и, что самое важное, основные цели и приоритеты государственной политики в области социально-экономического развития страны.
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