Doneck, Ukraine
Causal connection between ineffective transitive processes in economy and institutional traps is substantiated. Institutional trap is presented as a stable inefficient institution formed by asynchrony institutional changes under conditions of transformation of social and economic systems, by hypertrophy of separate forms of behavioral forecast for economic agents at the macro level, by weakness of formal institutions and enforcement mechanism. Institutes providing effective economic development of USA and Canada are found out. The characteristics of the institutions providing effective economic development of the successful North American countries is given: peculiarities and reforms, the most developed sectors of economy, anti-corruption measures, anti-bureaucratic measures, taxation, education, enforcement, technical means of control, informal institutions. A set of institutions for newly developing economies based on the analysis of institutions providing effective economic development of the successful countries is formed. The conclusion about the necessity of engagement of effective reforms experience from successful North American states, taking into account institution’s peculiarities of countries with developing markets is made.
transitive economy, reform, institutions, institutional traps, enforcement.
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