Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper describes the existing features of the entrepreneurs’ representation of their projects for financing on crowdfunding sites. Recommendations are presented that increase the chances of entrepreneurs to successfully attract funds from potential investors. Recommendations for potential investors are also presented, allowing to identify projects with potentially higher chances for successful launch of a project and the release of a product or service to the market. The motivation for crowdfunding sites for training entrepreneurs is highlighted and the tools which are used in the learning process are described. Also in the article considers an example of the crowdfunding market development — the emergence of valuation companies offering services to entrepreneurs in the field of assessing the realistic attainment of the declared results. The goals of such companies and the conditions for cooperation with them are described with a specific example.

crowdfunding, investments, crowdfunding sites, crowdfunding market,crowdfunding project rating.

Исследованы онлайн-площадки — лидеры в области краудфандинга — с целью получить ответы на вопросы: как развивается рынок краудфандинга в целом и в России в частности? какие услуги и возможности предоставляют онлайн-площадки для ус-
пешного старта и развития новых проектов? как предпринимателю представлять свой проект, чтобы получить требуемое финансирование? какие проекты выбирать инвестору с целью увеличить свой капитал?


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