Vladimir, Vladimir, Russian Federation
The article considers some methodological aspects of the concept of “virtual reality”, used in the research area of computer technologies and their interaction with the mental world of the individual. In the paper the virtual online reality is defined as the picture of the world presented in the totality of cognitive-semiotic tools on the web pages with informational and news content. The aim of this work is to describe the categorical features of the phenomenon. Theoretical background of the research consists of the works in the field of Internet linguistics and psychological virtualistics, upon those a brief overview of the approaches to the description of the properties and characteristics of virtual reality is provided. In the framework of the proposed cognitive-semiotic approach the author offers a working list of the categorical features of online virtual reality: tessellation, visual format, carnival character, mobility. The paper provides the substantiation of the described features and outlines possible directions of further linguistic and interdisciplinary research of this phenomenon.
Internet, virtual reality, Internet linguistics, Internet semiotics, web-page.
Понятие «виртуальная реальность» (далее ВР) вошло в научный обиход с началом так называемой «компьютерной эры» в истории человечества.
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