Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article we will discuss and evaluate the study of the state of Balhae in Korea, as well as look at the prospects for further research. First, we examine the current situation of research, general information and discuss the main issues raised. Next, we will evaluate future research collaboration in South Korea and Russia. It is expected that this study will become a bridge to the coverage of academic exchanges between the two countries in the future.

Balhae, Goguryo refugees, Mohe tribe, Primorsky krai, warmed floor, Kraskino, the complex of Koguryo tombs, the age of the Northern and Southern kingdoms.

1. Предисловие
Народ государства Пархэ (Бохай) состоял из людей, пришедших после падения Когурё, а также из группы племен мохэ (тунгусские племена). Пархэ располагалось на территории нынешнего северо-восточного Китая, Приморского края России и Кореи.


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