St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
This article is dedicated to the free independent tourism as an effective tool of personal inculturation that considers being facultative learning of domestic culture and other cultures’ values. An accumulation and translation of personal ideas about the society, historical events, and cultural heritage takes place during an inculturation. In the same time, the culture in all variety of forms of its expression is one of basic elements of traveler’s interest and the dominating idea of tourists’ activity. Free independent tourism as a kind of social and cultural activity reflecting the individual human interests, including the interests of learning the domestic and world cultural values, and ensures the process of personal inculturation. The main social and cultural functions of independent tourism, that permit to realize the key aspects of inculturation, are defined in this article. The specific features of realization of these functions in different kinds of independent tourism are also showed. During empiric research, which results are presented in this article, the demographic characteristics of independent tourism are revealed. The structure of tourists’ motivation in organized independent trips is defined; the complex of social and cultural demands of independent tourists and the grade of their participation during inculturation are investigated. The empiric data permit to conclude that the inculturation which is ensured with different kind of human participation in the different forms and kinds of social and cultural activity is rather well realized through independent tourism. Free independent tourism which is being actually dynamically developed, ensures the following aspects of inculturation, such as the continuous education in its facultative forms; learning of variety of cultural heritage interpretations; the realization of all spectrum of leisure’s demands (including cognitive, creative, communicative and others) by the independent tourists, the stimulation of travelers activity during learning, translation and saving of cultural values.
free independent tourism, inculturation, development of personality, social and cultural activity, social and cultural function of inde-pendent tourism, social and cultural demands
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