Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation
Who is the originator of sin, the body or the soul? Does the body present the subject or only the obedient object of the soul manipulation? Does the body have its own interests that do not coincide with the goals and meanings of human life? From what point of view and in what respect does the body consider being subject? The essence of the person is associated with two unequal actors, whose interests may differ and even be opposite. Time and the rhythms of existence can also be different, since the body spends more energy than the soul, and time is a waste of energy. The deeds of the body are deterministic ("the selfish gene"), whereas the behavior of the soul does not always have any connection with reason. The distinction between the two entities allows expressing the assumption that man has two souls. One soul (ego) belongs to the body and is associated with the genetic information of the parents, the other connects to the body of the baby in the womb, coming from another, spiritual world. The soul is mortal, and the soul of the spirit after the body death leaves it and continues to exist in another world, waiting for a new incarnation.
soul, ego, body, subject, object
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