Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper have been analyzed various ways for wire gauze nets’ hydraulics presentation. Have been determined errors emerging when using the Darcy coefficient based on the channel model of nets’ internal structure. It has been proposed to consider all types of wire gauze nets as local resistances whose hydraulics are described by dependence of Euler criterion on Reynolds number, and to use a net cell as characteristic section. Based on analysis of filter gauze nets’ geometrical structure, have been defined analytical dependences for the nets’ cells area calculation allowing determine the nets’ clear gap size. As a result of experimental data processing by the specified technique has been established the influence of net’s wires interweaving type on Lagrange criterion value. The dependence for Lagrange criterion value calculation on porosity of filter serge unilateral nets has been proposed.

filter, metallic net, cell, porosity, hydraulic resistance, Euler criterion, Lagrange number.

1. Введение в проблему
Надежность встроенных фильтров гидравлических систем машин и аппаратов в основном определяется характеристиками пористых материалов, используемых для изготовления фильтровальных перегородок.


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